Esto... ¿esto qué es?

¡Hola personajillo del inframundo!
Esto es un blog. (Sí, lo suponías). Bienvenido. ¿Que hay aquí? Tonterias. Muchas. O munchas, como dice mi abuela. No prometo demasiado, pero si quieres leer reseñas y citas sobre libros, ver fotos y sinsentidos, es tu sitio, así que puedes quedarte.


Please, please, please

Good times for a change.
See, the luck I've had
can make a good man
turn bad...

So please, please, please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time

Haven't had a dream in a long time

See, the life I've had
can make a good man bad

So for once in my life

Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time

The Smiths

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¡Dime argo!

You'll never find another one

you'll never find another fool like me.

Estaba buscando...

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow.” – Imogen Cunningham

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